Drivers are encouraged to make little changes to their air conditioning and roll-down windows routine in order to increase their fuel efficiency significantly. In this post some other small tips as well that can help to save money on fuel.
These days, fuel prices are rising up daily. A drastic hike in fuel prices can affect your monthly budget as well. To avoid financial issues, drivers are trying to find ways to increase fuel economy. There are various reasons that affect fuel cost.

Today, we will not discuss the reasons behind the fuel cost hikes. But, we will suggest some basic habits that can help to boost their fuel economy.
Three Easy Tricks Drivers can save money on fuel:
1. We start from a very basic and most important practice, that can help a lot. Drivers should pay attention to the use of air conditioning. It will be better to not use car AC when cruising at a slower speed. Just roll down the windows or use a blower fan to get some cool air.
But, when travelling over 60 kmph or 40 mph, you have to avoid driving with open windows. At higher speeds, a car faces a lot of drag force. Hence, at a higher speed, using air conditioning instead of opening a window will be more cost-effective.

2. Do not carry unnecessary luggage on every trip. Before, starting the journey you have to decide which thing is essential to carry and which one is not. Unwanted weight in a car is a major factor in fuel economy reduction.

3. Carrying a full tank of fuel is really a good decision? Before starting a trip you have to decide this thing as well. If you are travelling in areas where fuel stations are available easily. And fuel prices are almost the same. Then you should avoid carrying a lot of fuel. Because in every 200-300 km you have to take rest and during the rest, you can refuel your car. Almost half fuel tank capacity will help better to reduce car weight.

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Please share your thoughts on this article and other tips also, that can be used to save fuel during the trip. We would like to welcome your good ideas. Because good sharing is good caring.