Materiel Science

Single Point Cutting Tool : Tool Angles, Nomenclature and Geometry

In engineering language, a cutting tool cuts or removes other material by applying force. Tools used in daily life like knives, chisels, scissors, etc. come under the category of cutting tools. A single-point cutting tool cuts a chip or material from a point or edge on a shank. Cutting tools are used in industries for

Single Point Cutting Tool : Tool Angles, Nomenclature and Geometry Read More »

Petroleum: Source, Formation and Classification

Petroleum is a fossil fuel, formed from trees plants, bacteria and algae. Over a million years, under the earth, due to high heat and pressure, fossils converted into high-carbon usable fuels. Petrol: Crude comes from where?  Have refuelled your car? …… Ohhh No??? You must need to go to the Petrol or fuel station, and

Petroleum: Source, Formation and Classification Read More »

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